UK Chairman, David Winn OBE joins the Company’s ‘Hall of Fame’
To recognise 50 years of service to the company, David Winn OBE, Chairman of Winn & Coales International, was presented with a portrait at the company’s Christmas annual Dinner Dance in December 2015.
The portrait, painted by renowned artist Hazel Morgan, was commissioned as a special gift to honour his long service which culminated in spending the past 25 years as Chairman. Being only the third Chairman in the company’s 133-year history to-date, his portrait will take its place in the London headquarters boardroom alongside portraits of his two predecessors, founder Paul Winn (1883-1946) and Frank Coales (1946-1991).
During David Winn’s period of leadership the company has built upon the success of his predecessors and flourished into a truly international organisation with subsidiaries in the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Adding to that an extensive network of loyal and longstanding agents and distributors, today the company is able to supply its product solutions to virtually anywhere on the globe.

Chairman David Winn O.B.E receiving his portrait.

The Denso Chairmen’s Hall of Fame.

Chairman David Winn O.B.E receiving his portrait.