Denso™ Protection for Metlong Dam Water Supply Pipeline
Buried Coatings
Project Data
Location | South Africa |
Products | Denso Ultraflex 1250™, Denso Weld Bead Tape™, Densotherm HD™, Denso Stoneguard™ |
Date | 2013 |
Project Details
Construction of the Metolong Downstream Conveyance System represents a major milestone in the realisation of the Metolong Dam and Water Supply Programme. The Conveyance System will enable transmission of up to 93Ml/day of potable water from the Metolong Treatment Plant into the Water and Sewage Company (WASco) network, therefore enhancing the much-needed water supply for domestic and industrial use for Maseru and surrounding towns.
Denso South Africa secured the supply of materials for all three of the different pipe coatings that were supplied on the Metolong Downstream Conveyance Network.
Denso Stoneguard™ was specified in preference to select backfill (more economical) to protect the pipe from damage that could potentially compromise the pipe coating and pipe itself.
The New Multi Product Pipeline saw 100km+ of pipe protected with the Denso Stoneguard. The engineers also specified the Denso Stoneguard over selected backfill for economical reasons.

The 1100mm dia Bituguard coated pipe for the transport of water from the Metolong Dam to the water treatment plant, with a view of the Maluti Mountains in the background

Sidebooms laying the 660mm dia Denso Stoneguard™ wrapped pipe prior to installation

Inspection of field joint repair and securing of the Denso Stoneguard™

The 1100mm dia Bituguard coated pipe for the transport of water from the Metolong Dam to the water treatment plant, with a view of the Maluti Mountains in the background

Sidebooms laying the 660mm dia Denso Stoneguard™ wrapped pipe prior to installation