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Denso Protection Still Effective After 25 Years

Exposed Surface Coatings

Project Data

LocationPort Elizabeth, South Africa
ProductsDenso Steelcoat 100/400™ System
ContractorPenny Farthing
DateOctober 2018

Project Details

Denso were called to site, in Port Elizabeth, to inspect the condition of some anchor heads which were originally protected 25 years ago using the Denso Covercoat System. Once the original Denso material had been removed, and the substrate cleaned, the existing anchor heads and bolts were found to be in perfect condition, as good as the day they were installed.

Penny Farthing have been awarded the contract to conduct various tests to determine the integrity of the anchor cables. Once the cables have been tested and re-installed, the Denso Steelcoat 100/400 System (which now replaces the Denso Covercoat System) will be used to protect the anchor bolts and heads for a further 25 years.