Denso Steelcoat™ Chosen Again for Potash Warehouse
As part of ongoing work to replace roof trusses in a Potash Storage Shed, AV Dawson, the Middlesbrough based freight logistics provider has again used Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd’s Steelcoat 100 System™ to protect the roof trusses from the aggressive materials being stored in the shed.
Historical experience has proven that by applying Denso Hi-Tack™ Primer, Denso Hi-Tack™ Tape with an outer-wrap of Denso PVC Self-Adhesive Tape™ to the roof trusses prior to installation, greatly enhances the life expectancy of the roof in the aggressive dusty atmosphere.
AV Dawson Ltd, founded on Teeside, Middlesbrough in 1938, is a freight logistics supplier operating a diverse range of haulage, port, warehousing and railhead facilities.

The AV Dawson Potash Storage Shed project

Denso Hi-Tack Tape™ applied to the roof trusses

An outerwrap of Denso PVC Self-Adhesive Tape™ is applied over the top of the petrolatum tape layer

The roof trusses are pre-wrapped, before being lifted into position

The AV Dawson Potash Storage Shed project

Denso Hi-Tack Tape™ applied to the roof trusses

An outerwrap of Denso PVC Self-Adhesive Tape™ is applied over the top of the petrolatum tape layer