Densoclad™ Protection for Buxton Mineral Water Supply Pipeline
Buried Coatings
Project Data
Location | Buxton, U.K. |
Client | Buxton Mineral Water |
Contractor | North Midland Construction Ltd. |
Products | Denso Primer D™, Densoclad 50™ |
Project Details
North Midland Construction Ltd of Huthwaite, Notts, installed a new 1400m x 80 mm diameter pipeline at Buxton Mineral Water Ltd to convey mineral water from the head well to the extended bottling plant to cope with the increased demand for the company’s mineral waters.
External protection for the pipeline, including the buried sections, was provided by the application of Densoclad 50™ Tape.
Denso Primer D™ was first applied to the pipeline including the welded joints located at every 6 metres. This was followed by application of the Densoclad 50 Tape using a Densoman 100™ wrapping machine. To complete the protection, the welded pipe joints were then wrapped with Densoclad 50 Tape by hand.
Densoclad Tape consists of a thick polymer bitumen adhesive laminated to a tough plasticised PVC backing. These cold applied tapes are designed for protecting buried or immersed pipes and fittings against corrosion and mechanical damage.

Application of the Densoclad 50™ Tape to the 1400m x 80mm diameter mineral water pipeline

Application of the Densoclad 50™ Tape to the 1400m x 80mm diameter mineral water pipeline

Auto-welding of the pipe joints prior to the application of the Denso™ protective system

Application of the Densoclad 50™ Tape to the 1400m x 80mm diameter mineral water pipeline

Application of the Densoclad 50™ Tape to the 1400m x 80mm diameter mineral water pipeline