Densostrip™ for Concrete Beach Huts
Raymond Brown Construction Ltd has started to install 119 new concrete beach huts at Milford on Sea. Infrastructure works include a concrete promenade slab, access ramps and steps, and pedestrian walk-way surfacing. These replace the masonry beach huts that were destroyed in a Valentine’s Day storm in 2014.
The new beach huts are being constructed from pre-cast reinforced concrete units to form four individual terraces totaling 250m length. Each terraced section of huts is formed from a culvert placed on its side with an open front. The sealant in each culvert section will play an essential role in ensuring longevity. Winn & Coales’ widely used Densostrip™ sealant was recommended to Raymond Brown Construction by Merchant Suppliers, Resapol of Southampton. Apart from its track record, the immediate availability of Densostrip in 20mm x 25mm sections was also an advantage to the contractor.
Densostrip is a compound rubber and bitumen joint sealing strip for precast concrete units to provide a permanently flexible watertight seal when compressed between joint faces previously primed with Densostrip primer. As well as water and sea water, it is resistant to chemical and biological attack.
In addition to being an effective seal for precast concrete box culverts, other uses include manholes, inspection chambers, shafts, tunnels and pipe sections.

Densostrip™ sealant is applied to each beach hut edge in the pre-cast reinforced concrete terrace units at Milford on Sea

The beach huts destroyed after the Valentine’s Day Storm in 2014

Artist’s impression of the finished beach huts

Densostrip™ sealant is applied to each beach hut edge in the pre-cast reinforced concrete terrace units at Milford on Sea

The beach huts destroyed after the Valentine’s Day Storm in 2014