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Steelcoat Column Base Protection System

Surface tolerant system providing a long-term protective coating for vulnerable column bases in corrosive environments.

A hand applied surface tolerant system designed to provide a long-term protective coating for vulnerable column bases in corrosive environments.

The system comprises Denso Hi-Tack Primer to coat the cleaned substrate and Denso Profiling Mastic is used to fill any voids and to build up any angles required to create a smooth profile. A layer of Denso Hi-Tack Tape is then applied over the area followed by a layer of Denso D14 Scrim. A coat of Denso Basecoat is applied to complete the protective system. An optional acrylic topcoat is available.

Request Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
  • Cold-applied
  • Surface tolerant
  • Hand applied
  • Flexible and mouldable for awkward shapes and angles
  • Long term protection

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